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Quality & Sustainability

LB Semicon provides the best products and services through excellent quality managements


LB Semicon Inc. provides the best products and services at anytime and anywhere through its efficient quality control, allowing it to place customer satisfaction and value creation as its top priorities.

  • Reliable Quality

    Ensure reliable quality
    through target management.

  • Customer

    Discern customer needs and ensure that customer satisfaction is a top priority in business operations.

  • Continuous

    Produce defect-free products through ceaseless improvement.

LB Semicon will prioritize customer satisfaction and customer value creation by realizing non-hazardous substance in products through an efficient HSPM hazardous substance management system.

  • Compliance with product environmental regulations

    Observe domestic and international product environmental policies and other regulatory requirements.

  • Environmental friendly product design

    Aim environmental friendly product design.

  • Continuous improvement

    Manufacture environmental friendly products by continuous improvement.

We have systematic procedures to ensure the best quality.

Quality Assurance System-img

LB Semicon achieves customer satisfaction by acquiring quality management certificates for continuous quality improvement.

  • Quality Management System Certificate IATF 16949:2016
  • Quality Management System Certificate ISO 9001:2015 / KS Q ISO 9001:2015
  • Samsung Electronics Eco-partner Certificate Samsung Electronics Eco-Partner Affiliate Company
  • Sony Green Partner Certification Sony Green Partner
  • Hazardous Substance Process Management System (HSPM) Certificate IECQ QC 080000: 2017(HSPM)
  • ANSI/ESD S20.20 Certificate ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021

LB Semicon Complies with the EU's RoHS Regulations, and All of Its Products are in Compliance with the RoHS’s Halogen-free Standards.

We conduct XRF monitoring once a week and request ISO/IEC 17025 certificate authority to analyze the results once a year.
The final products do not contain any harmful substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium,
PBB(Poly Brominated Biphenyl) or PBDE(Poly Brominated Diphenyl Ethers).

  • Au Bump (Low Hardness) Test Report
    2022. 08. 29
  • Au Bump (High Hardness) Test Report
    2022. 08. 05
  • CU Bump Test Report
    2022. 01. 24
  • Ni Bump Test Report
    2022. 01. 24
  • SnAg Bump Test Report
    2022. 03. 11
  • WLCSP Test Report
    2021. 11. 22

LB Semicon is deeply committed to its social responsibility for a more harmonious society.

LB Semicon Inc. is creating a more comfortable and relaxed society by actively making societal contributions to ensure a more equitable distribution of profits with the local community. With the Creating Social Ecosystem (CSE) where we build up a sense of community with all stakeholders, we are fully committed to fulfilling our corporate and social responsibilities.

LB Semicon is actively participating in the regulation on the use of conflict minerals to fulfill its social responsibility.

LB Semicon recognizes the seriousness of human rights issues such as human rights violations, labor exploitation, sexual violence and environmental issues, which are committed through the process of mining minerals in conflict and dangerous areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighboring countries. In order to minimize the negative impact, we actively participate in the regulation on the use of conflict minerals implemented by the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission), and continue to pay attention and make efforts by complying with the code of conduct based on international guidelines.

  • Article 1 Purpose
    LB Semicon Co., Ltd. complies with the restrictions on the use of conflict minerals enforced by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and pledge not to use minerals in conflict areas in our products.
  • Article 2 Conflict Minerals (3TG)
    4 types of minerals mined in conflict areas : Tin (TIN) / Tungsten (W) / Tantalum (TA) / Gold (AU)
    Conflict Areas : DR Congo, Congo, Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Zambia, Angola, Tanzania, Central Africa
  • Article 3 Regulations
    In the Republic of Congo and neighboring countries, the mining and distribution of conflict minerals causes social problems such as human rights violations, provision of civil war costs etc. To prevent these problems, The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is compelling U.S. listed companies and related companies to report related information when dealing with the product.
  • Article 4 Conflict Minerals Policy and Countermeasures
    As part of complying with the above regulations, our company prohibits the use of minerals produced in conflict areas among products supplied by partners.
    We pledged to use only minerals from smelters certified by CFS-FREE related to conflict minerals.
    Suppliers that supply raw materials to us must provide information on the origin of the mineral (smelter) through CMRT*.
    * Conflict Minerals Reporting Template

Highlighting EHS Importance by Implementing
Environmental/Human-Centric Management.

By placing importance on EHS principles compliance that observes Environmental/Human-Centered Approach, LB Semicon constantly seeks to protect the environment and provide a safe & pleasant workplace to its employees.

Seven Principles of EHS Management

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    01 Environment Protection
    Minimize pollutant emissions by resources and energy-saving.
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    02 Promoting a Safe & Healthy Working Atmosphere
    Fundamentally eliminate potential risk factors as to provide a safe and healthy working place.
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    03 EHS Goal Setting
    EHS related goals are set in order to maintain and improve EHS accomplishments.
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    04 EHS Law Compliance
    Abide by EHS regulations and comply to the requests of concerned parties.
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    05 EHS Evaluation & Risk Reduction
    Perform overall assessment on the company’s environmental/risk factors and reduce risks.
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    06 Continuous Enhancement
    Constantly invest capital in order to increase EHS accomplishment rates.
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    07 Employee’s Consent & Participation
    In terms of EHS activities, involvement and consent of all employees are guaranteed.

Here is the list of LB Semicon’s certificates

  • Environmental Management System Certificate ISO 14001:2015 / KS l ISO 14001:2015
  • Occupational Health & Safety Management System ISO 45001:2018 / KS Q ISO 45001:2018
  • LG Display Carbon Parnership Certificate LG Display Carbon Partnership Certificate